Registered Charity No 294354


About Us

Formed in 2000, Dynamo Haslemere is a football club for veterans (over 35s). The club meets every Tuesday night, between 9.00pm-10.00pm, up at the Edge in Woolmer Hill. We also arrange friendly games with other local veteran football teams throughout the year. The main philosophy of our club is that playing football at our age should be about having fun, and not taking ourselves 'too' seriously.


At Dynamo Haslemere FC we are particularly proud of our fund-raising in aid of our chosen charity, the Motor Neurone Disease Association. One of our most successful fund-raising activities is our annual veterans football tournament. We have organised these for the past six years and have always been delighted with the success of these events. We also organise an annual Quiz Night to raise funds, and have fun at the same.


Another important part of Dynamo Haslemere FC has been having our own little bit of 'Entente Cordiale'. Over the years we have struck up a special relationship with a football team from Bernay, Normandy, (Haslemere's twin town in France). Every year 'Les Arcbusiers' are special guests to our football tournament, and fortunately they reciprocate by inviting us over to their tournament in Bernay. And, as anyone who has been knows, it is a very enjoyable weekend in the company of some fantastic hosts.